UPDATE #1 // April 15th, 2024

We Made It!

Wow, what an incredible journey it's been! Today, we're thrilled to share that, thanks to your amazing support, we've hit our crowdfunding goal of $20,000! Your enthusiasm for Pet Piano has been heartwarming and truly essential in turning this dream into a reality—so a huge THANK YOU from all of us!

If you haven’t secured a spot for the piano, we still have a little over a month left in the campaign and Pre-Order Pricing (22% OFF + FREE SHIPPING).

We Made It! Although I'm tempted to go on about how grateful I am for your support, there's plenty of exciting news to share about what's next. Here’s what’s coming up:

Manufacturing Now that we have enough support to build the injection molds, we’re going to move forward with getting final quotes.

Final Touches: We've made some essential final tweaks to the Pet Piano's design:

  • Security Enhancement: We’ve added a ball catch lock under the lid to keep the piano secure from curious paws, without changing its sleek exterior.

  • Adjustable Dispensing: We've refined the treat dispenser to allow for varying amounts of treats to be dispensed at a time, catering to your pet's needs and your preferences.

  • Portion Control and Scheduled Feedings: We’ve finished with the android version of the app and are now moving on to the iPhone version.

  • Packaging: We're also finalizing the packaging designs to ensure that your Pet Piano arrives safely and stylishly.

My wife’s video

Over the weekend, I was thrilled to see one of our videos go viral! Even more impressive is that this video was a spontaneous creation by my wife featuring our foster cat and boys. I thought this campaign's success would mostly be on Michael and me, but I’m happily proven wrong. It’s awesome to see that it’s not just us—others are loving the Pet Piano and making fun videos that really connect with people everywhere.

Beyond the joy these videos have sparked, we're thrilled to share that several of our testers, inspired by their pets' success with the Pet Piano, have started teaching them new tricks. It’s not just about the piano anymore; it’s about enriching their lives and deepening the bonds they share. This has been an unexpected and heartwarming development in our community!

The upcoming months are going to be bustling with activity, and we're ecstatic to have you with us for every moment. Your involvement means the world to us.

Thank you for being a part of our Pet Piano family.

Aaron Founder & Chief Pet Enthusiast at Pet Piano